Untitled from ashleigh houlton on Vimeo.
Sometimes I think it's crazy that I'm a teacher. Well, my job right now is more of an "edutainer" but teaching is what I'll probably be doing until I marry someone rich enough to let me do P90X and watch Real Housewives while eating Cheetos all day. If you would've asked me when I graduated from high school if I would ever be a teacher I would have said "No thanks Tom Hanks" because during high school I spent a lot of time after school in academic detention...or just plain detention. Actually that was my Junior year only but still, Sister Sue a.k.a Mr. Sue (got kicked out of her English class for saying that one out loud) totally ruined any small desire I ever had to teach. Then I started coaching and realized that teaching is pretty much a variation of coaching and I actually LOVE it. Who would've thunk?
Also, just want to throw this out there: I have OSOM friends. Seriously. When I left the U.S. I was convinced that a lot of my friends were going to completely forget about me and I totally did not give them nearly enough credit. I've gotten so many awesome messages, texts, packages, etc that have absolutely made my days here. I got an email from my friend Jordan a couple weeks ago and it was hands down the most encouraging/awesome message I've probably ever gotten. Two of my friends have figured out how to send texts from their phones to my email and some of them are the funniest one-liners I've ever read in my life. Totally original too. So when I get back I'm publishing a book with all of their funny texts since I've saved them and it's gonna be a best seller at Urban Outfitters. Be ready. Here's a couple for you to preview...
*Scientists are baffled with the age old question... How is it that two minutes after a water break, one is dying of dehydration.
*I will marry ____ under one condition... That there are no conditions.
*Well where is this battle happening? Because if It's on land you're screwed.
*My eyes are fake you tosspot! They're glass.
*I've always wanted to be famous.
*Nah, i like flabby arms and calves...
*Ya a happy life starts with arranged marriage.
*about my outfit... my donut tshirt. it is soooo right.
*homework = not done and im feeling great about it
*How? I dunno. Runner than I expected? Yes.
*I did sing livin on a prayer karaoke at the top of my lunges.
*Just stood behind the hottest dude in Costco that was signing with his mother. Shall I learn sign language? Perhaps.
*good thing i brought an extra shoe to the gym
Hahaha, love them.
Welp that's all for now folks. Hope all is well with everyone! And just a sidenote: if you ever do P90X don't plan on walking for a week afterwards. I've done it for two days and am seriously thinking about quitting.