The downtown here is ridiculous...unlike anything I've ever seen. And yesterday a friend and I took the subway to an underground shopping mall. I wish I had a picture to show you what this madness looked like but picture Pike's Place and multiply the length of it times five, then add one million people.
So I've gotten alot of comments about the eating a dog scenario and I want to make something really clear...I was tricked people! I'm seriously considering becoming a semi-vegetarian while I'm here. But guess what else! Costco is normal! I'm going tomorrow and am going to buy FOOD. I can't tell you how stoked I am. I look forward to not feeling my ribs when I lie on my stomach...just kidding! Maybe...
Ok, and I've got a pretty funny story for you. First you need to understand that in Korea, the majority of bathrooms don't have baths. Or showers. Well, they do have showers but the bathroom is basically a sink, toilet, and then a shower head coming out of the wall above your head near your sink. And then there's a drain. So if you want to get technical you could actually wash your hair, brush your teeth (in the sink), and go to the bathroom (in the toilet) all at the same time. Fun? Not so much. But you have to first turn your sink on and then turn this nob thing to make the shower turn on. Well, the other night we all met up in downtown and I had experienced this earlier that day but not as bad as one of my friends...he got totally ready and went to brush his teeth before he left but had forgotten to put it back on the sink setting so he took another shower in his clothes. He's British so I heard the words "bloody", "noob" (meaning idiot), and the "F-bomb" in British accent about 100 times in 5 minutes. So funny. Except I did it to myself last night which was not so funny.
Here's a pic of what the Korean spread typically looks like when you walk into a restaurant. This restaurant was pretty high end and was during our orientation but you get the idea. Again, this is not my pic. I stole it but you can see me in it! So if you forgot what I look like I'm the one who has a blonde pom-pom growing out of the back of my head.

Have a great day you all! God is good:)