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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our bucket lists...

So when I initially found out I was going to Korea, my good friend Beth and I decided we were going to make bucket lists. Well, it didn't happen for several months until we watched the show "The Buried Life" on MTV which by the way is the sweetest show. It is about these guys who have made this bucket list of a 100 combined things they want to do in their lifetime and for everything they accomplish, they help another random person fulfill one of their own goals or dreams. So we were super inspired, kind of like when the Olympics are on every two years and for a straight month I am determined to be either Kerri Strug (the gymnast who landed perfectly on a broken ankle...that one lasted until I realized I was 2 feet too tall) or Amanda Beard. The Amanda Beard one lasted a little longer than the gymnast phase. My mom actually put me on a club swim team for this one...but it only lasted two days because I couldn't get the stupid swimming cap on without breaking it. Anyways, so Beth and I made our bucket lists. I'm not sure what the rules of bucket listing are so I wont share either of ours with you but I will tell you that one of hers is to get famous on youtube. We went to the zoo one day and she got this awesome video footage so I thought I would help her out by posting it on here. Either she's going to become famous for this elephant's dancing skills or her singing ability...although the latter is not likely to happen:)

I just got back from my Korean class a couple of hours ago and after many hours of sitting through these lectures I can honestly say the only thing I remember how to say is "Hello, how are you?" It's such a hard language. When I look at the vocabulary it literally looks like a puppy ran back and forth across a computer keyboard. There's really no other way of describing it.


  1. Ash I love that elephant! He is such a bomb dancer.

    You can cross off "live in a foreign country" from your bucket list... I am working on crossing off "deliver a baby tiger" from my list. Wish me luck :)

    Miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you long time.


    ps...kerri strug is bad a!!

  2. Just talk really really fast and maybe they won't be able to tell that you don't know the language! If that doesn't work, just talk really slow and REALLY LOUD,...... like thats really going to help! NOT!
    Enjoying your posts.
    Love Deb

  3. So I think about you daily b/c I work with a bunch of Korean kids at my school and they try to teach my korean everyday..and I can agree it is so hard. They laughed so hard at me yesterday just when I tried to say hello in korean so I am proud that you got that down. I have no idea what they are saying! Miss you Ash!
