hey guys! two people just told me that my last post wouldn't let them comment when they tried. if that keeps happening to you then please let me know and maybe i can figure it out.
i've realized since i've been back here that my korean is even worse than i thought, haha. not only can i not remember the tiny bit i learned last year but no one can even understand me when i try. my goal is to learn as much as i can this year so i dont sound like such a dingle to koreans and to you guys when i come home and you ask me to say something cool in korean and all i can say is hi.
also, im attaching the link to the blog that posts updates to the building of our new school. TCIS has been around for a while and they started building a beautiful new campus about 20 minutes away in techno valley i think in the winter of '09 and it was supposed to be completed for this school year. but, because of a few obstacles we're going to be back at our old campus until probably atleast christmas. here's a pic though of what our new school is supposed to look like!
if you wanna follow the blog then just go to the following site http://webuildtogether.blogspot.com/.
last thing: foosball is a combination of soccer and shishkabobs. think about it.
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