Free Running: A sport where mad-men (or women*) attempt death-defying stunts and Jackie-Chan esque acrobatic feats.
While nothing I have done is death defying, I have climbed several walls and scared many Koreans when jumping off of said walls. A couple of weeks ago I went running up to a point near my house that a friend and I had found days before and the hill going up to the top is a bear. I experienced this first hand because I had eaten an entire Costco muffin about an hour before and I didn't feel so hot on my way up but the minute I got to the top I up-chucked the entire thing. Or "urped" as my grandma would call it:) But, the view from the top is pretty stinkin sweet. It's right on the border of the city and you can really see how different the lower income areas are compared to the downtown area farther out.

Also, thought you all might like this next pick. Alot of the restaurants that serve seafood, possibly alive, have these tanks out in front and I'm pretty sure they just grab whatever they need out of the tanks when people order. I know for sure that's what they did at the restaurant where I ate the live squid or "thrashing barf bombs" as Heather would call it.

The creatures on the far right in the top tank make me gag just looking at them.
I took some sweet pictures of downtown at night as well as one of a tuna the size of Free Willy, so since Lame keeps bugging me about it I'll put them up as soon as I can!
Ash I think you spoke too soon...Zags choked, AGAIN. You already know this, but at this point I find it humorous, so I thought I'd reiterate. While I'm not the biggest UW fan, props to them for beating UNM, since I don't have an allegiance to the Lobos, either. Also, you should try to take a photo of an unsuspecting Korean's expression when you scare the pee out of 'em, 'cause I'm pretty sure that might be the funniest thing I've ever seen. Ready, go.