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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh. My. Gosh.

So, I wasn't planning on doing one of these deals today but I just have to tell you all this. Four days of the week I'm at an all girls middle school and on friday I'm at an all boys middle school which is only 10 minutes from my house. My first school is about a 25 minute walk and is in the middle of probably the poorest part in all of Daejeon. Basically, if you walk thirty minutes north from my house you're in the newest part of the city and if you walk thirty minutes south you're in the lowest income area in the entire city. So at the girl's school, I was kind of suprised my first day because they had said at orientation that we are going to be floored with the technology our classrooms have at our schools...but I have a chalkboard. That's it. And I don't have a classroom either, I have to travel from classroom to classroom and bring my computer with me. I do have an office but it's just going to take some major creativity to get these girls involved since I don't have the resources.

But, I just got to my second school and I have my own English lab that had over $80,000 put into it last year. I have two gigantic computers at my desk that I can do video editing on. There's twenty computers in here, two projectors, a computerized podium, and an entire office that's seperate just for video editing. And I have A BLUE SCREEN in the back of my room. You know the things they use in action movies to make stuff look real?? Ya, I have one of those. IN MY ROOM. So stinkin cool. I might just produce movies for the next year and do that for a living when I come back.

Alright, that's all I got. Except I have been asked by 4 boys so far today if my hair is real...


  1. you see how much of a priority boys are there I guess....WOW!

  2. Last line of this post made my day. I need more Ash Houl in my life!
