First, accents are the sweetest things ever. Whenever I've first met someone with an accent, I've automatically thought they were the most neat-o person on earth even if they are a complete turkey. And if it's been a male, specifically with an Australian accent, my first thought is "Please Lord, let this be my husband." Or an Irish acccent, those are good too. I've even considered moving to one of those locations in the past week.
Second, I think us Americans have some pretty awesome slang. No other country I know of uses the words "radical" and "tubular". But, we definitely don't compare to other countries, especially the UK or South Africa. So I've decided that I'm going to expand my vocabulary...and if I come home and some of you are thinking "Wow, Ash is way cooler than she was before she left because she's saying really super cool words but I have no clue what they mean" here's your rough guide:
-knackered-also known as "I'm pooped."
-bloody-I'm sure you've heard this one before. Ex: fan-bloody-tastic.
-keen-"Are you keen to go for a 100 mile run today after work?"
-shame-I think this word is the coolest, but I'm obviously not with it because the day after I decided I want to say it all the time, one of my best friends from back home said it. Love this example from urban dictionary: Guy 1: Your mum. Guy 2: Shame.
-dog's bollocks-who knew that this would be a compliment? I also didn't know that Northern Ireland was part of the UK though so that's not saying much.
-wonky-LOVE this. Ex: "I feel a bit wonky."
-bugger off-aka "get lost"
And if you're called a prat, berk, tosspot, gimp or a git you probably owe someone an apology :)
I took pictures of some of my favorite menus that my kids made. Trash potstickers, running nose dessert, in the ear dirt juice, puppy's dirty salad, food trash cake, and acid ice cream...doesn't get better than this, haha. There are ants in your body!!!!
The crummiest thing about being all the way over in Asia is when you find out some bummer thing that happened back home and just wish more than anything you could show up at that person's house to give them a hug. The cool thing about this whole deal though is that it's really a great test of friendship, you definitely find out which ones are for reals. And I am so blessed to have the most amazing friends ever in the history of the world:) I know some of you are going through some tough stuff but know that I am always thinking about you and praying for you...and I can't wait to see you when I see you! This year is already going by so stinking fast.
That's all for tonight folks! Have a great week and check out the rat urine cider next time you go out to's delightful.