Lynne was a TROOPER though! She tried every food put in front of her and ate some pretty knarly stuff. She came to school with me everyday and let each class drill her with questions like "Is your hair real?", "How old are you?", and "What was Ashleigh like when she was in high school?" (my heart rate skyrocketed everytime the last one was asked, haha). The good news is she didn't get the same questions that I still get asked on a weekly basis like "Ashleigh teacher when are you getting married?" and "Did you have plastic surgery? Are you sure?" But it was so much fun. AND we saw an Olympic ice skating event in Seoul! We were wandering around the Olympic stadium and happened upon an event where all of the Olympic and World Champion ice skaters from all over the world were putting on this dealy so we got tickets and went! Seriously one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I'd marry one of those guys even though their pants are a little too tight...
Mom being brave:)
My mom did an excellent job of taking pictures without telling me so I look like I want to kill someone when really I was probably pretty happy. I love the fish market I promise!
Having my mom here did kind of remind me though of how far I really am. When I was at the airport I saw flights to Seattle on the departure board and for a split second wanted to buy a ticket right then and there. I must say though, and I'm probably going to sound like a grandmother when I say this, but technology is amazing. Seriously. It's crazy that I can talk to people on their cell phones and it feels like I'm 5 minutes away. I've had arguments over text with one of my best friends over who is better at predicting LOST. Heck, the other day my bro Nolan called me on Skype at work and asked me to call my dad and tell him that he needed to be picked up for his swimming meet because he didn't know where his phone was. Stuff like that is so cool...until you look at a map and realize that you aren't as close as you feel at times.
In other news, I'm going to die of heat stroke before my year here is up. It's so unbelievably humid and it's only going to get worse. Good news is my school doesn't think turning on the AC or even the fans is appropriate (I'm being sarcastic)'s ridiculous. When we go running we look like we have just jumped into the river...although tonight one of my running buddies did feel the need to throw me in a fountain mid-run and I have yet to dry off because of this stinking humidity. Thanks Riley.
Quick story....last thing I promise. This week we are finishing up a lesson on menus and ordering food at a restaurant. Each of the groups are doing mini presentations on their menus and they are HILARIOUS. But one group nearly killed me. Their restaurant's name was "ALONE" and they had dishes like "sadness steak" and "lonely chicken for one" and under drinks and beverages they only had soju and beer listed with a little statement at the bottom that said "alcohol only to drink. you are alone." Depressing but hilarious!
Aw I love it. All. How do you do it? And manage to keep running and stay trim. You look fabulous! I would not be able to eat that stuff. Way to go mom!
ReplyDeleteI was crying with laughter when reading the "ALONE" restaurant...
ReplyDeleteAs for the fountain: it just had to be done.