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Thursday, August 18, 2011

this is a short one i promise!

This is gonna be a short one, but I was getting ready to update my blog for school that we are required to have for the parents and thought I would post some pics of my kids on here! Also, some people have asked for pics of my new house so I'll throw them on here too.

our view from the 12th floor!

my room!

the entry way...(house isn't totally clean but who's is? maybe heather's but that's about it :)

living room


our view at night!

and now the kiddos!

3rd Graders!


Fourth Graders!

Saving the best for last:) Today my first graders had kind of a tough class because we were having trouble being kind to one another. I just got a knock on my office door and was handed this by 2 tiny first graders! In case you can't read it, it says "wir srooy ms ashley"...we're sorry ms. ashleigh:) Greatest kids ever. I love this job.

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